Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Monster's Poetry

I always wanted to be a great poet. Chicks dig poets. Don't you chicks? I always wanted to be listed next to people like Shakespere and Pushkin and Tagore. But I have serious issues with those bandu vah akuru and fili kolhi and kaafiyaa and stuff. Those things suck. Anyway, some days back I wrote this on Nadhies.

A new day has died
And a new night is here
Moment after moment passes
Minute after minute dies
And my soul awaits the hour
The hour I shall feel your hair
I'm addicted your temple at the east
And also the nights I see you in feast
If all that could make you satisfy
A way to leave you alive
I'd love to have you for a dance
And instead let you rape me for a change :S


Anonymous said...

chicks dig poets ey... nice poem ingey but cudnt help laughing at the last two ingey rannu!!!

Rannamaari said...

rannu? LOL!!

rannamaari ah lobin kiyaa namakee "rannu" tha???


ThalaGolaa said...

hahaha.. yea.. i saw u commenting on something saying u are called "Rannu"... loabing.. haha.

handhaan nethay bali huraytha, rannu ge :P

Anonymous said...

alhey rannu... i dig u already... :P

Aisha said...

gud job. it's very nice. but wot happens at the end hahahaha very funny dho.