Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm Back!

Hello girls, I am Rannamaari, and welcome to my blog.

It has been a long time since I've been home. I hardly recognize the place anymore. The green is gone, the beach is gone and the darkness of the nights are no more. Unlike the golden days it is now compulsary for women to cover their breasts, so they all wear clothes and OMG some of them wear whole tents. The country's monarchy has been renamed to what they call a republic, but just like a monarchy the ruler never leaves power.

On the brighter side, the word is that the women are really hot and there are plenty of them. They shave their armpits and genitalia, wax and polish their legs, color their hair and have a thick layer of fruity lotion rounded all over their bodies. Mmmmmmmm. But it is also known that nobody is a virgin any more, I'm going to have a hard time finding a way around that problem :(( * sniff

But I am still soooooo excited because Maldivians finally adopted Buddism again. I swear I almost cried when I saw that statue on that island. I was like "Jesus Christ!! Did I just drift into Thailand???" Man, it was like being born again. No more loneliness, no more hunger, no more wandering around the coast of India wondering where Aishwariya is. I am so excited!


deadloner said...

whole tents?! wandering for aishwaria?!


deadloner said...

anyway.. welcome back home :)

iecco said...

now this is funnY!! LOLZZ

Rannamaari said...

yea.. haven't you noticed that. most of the girls i see wear whole tents :S
and yea. i am trying to get hold of that girl, aishwaria. i've searched a lot for her but daim, India is too big
any idea where she lives?

moyameehaa said...

hey.welcome back.u came from sea this time also?why didnt they notice you (iv heard that you have flood lights on ur head)....

and about aishwarya...shez not good for you anymore.shez gonna marry bachan jnr soon.and she already married a banana tree (according to her sect of hinduism i guess.)so,the bad news for you is that she is not virgin anymore...and bad news for humans is that it was a banana tree that...awwe :(

and i have a warning for you.she is tamil.go through maldivian history.and find about a guy name prabakaran (with a huge mustache) and a group called LTTE and PLOT.

Rannamaari said...

oh! prabakaran protects her? what did the bachan do to get her?
btw, i am not coming online from a cybercafe or anything. yea.. u could see the flood lights and everything if i was on land... but i just lives very close to the submarine cable. just did a little dirty work and i am blessed with free internet.
btw.. i am trying to see how things will go with a non-virgin. don't think i'd be able to find too many virgins around Maldives anymore
*sniff :((

iecco said...

hey hey dont loose hope now.. u can find virgins if u try but dont go after aishwariya moyameeha said something good!! anyways this is really funny!! hehhehe... u live near the submarine cable so u get very fast internet dho! why dont u take me there with u so then i can also get free internet? ehhehhe

Rannamaari said...

now, this is interesting. You wanna come with me to the submarine?
are you a virgin :D

Anonymous said...

welcome girls ... ????
so we guys will just leave ...
you have a good time with ur girls ...
hehe :P

Anonymous said...

god rannamaari ar eu blue? red? im tryin to imagine the color...

gud there are not much virgins around but stil ai funaa elheyne ennu dho..ask maumoon he mite get sum virgins for u

Anonymous said...

hey, aishwariya got married :)

Anonymous said...

oh wow... me in rannamaari's sacred temple... shwew shwew (whistling)...

Anonymous said...

I cudn't help but notice that you've only got FEMALE bloggers as your links! Whats your ambition?

Rannamaari said...

aesha u want to know the color of my skin tha? nubunaanamo!! :P im looking for an artist to draw a caricature for me to use on my profile.

zoe yes ofcoz didnt your social studies teacher tell u? im only interested in women. until i can convince your ruler once again, im gonna try to find some girls online.



i need some time alone.

Anonymous said...

My social studies was suppose to tell me about it? :o OMG! She/He must have forgotten to enlighten me years ago!!!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I 4got to include the word "TEACHER" in the previous comment.

Iya said...

finally, a blogger after my own heart!! rannamaaaaaaaaari!! hey i hope u take over this time. about time u got back!

Anonymous said...

yo, Rannamaari,

here's THE question:

which of the girls in the list (blogroll) is going to be your next victim?

is there gonna be a lucky draw or sumthin?

Rannamaari said...

now now, calm down everyone. dont be in a hurry :D i know your generation will have tons of questions for me. how i look like, my past relations, my family, my job, what i drive, etc. soon i will answer all your questions ingey so dont worry ;)

iecco said...

hey yeah am waitin for u to reply to those questions ingay.... :D
btw do u know dhivehi hehehee

Anonymous said...

hey do you have a webcam???

manippulhu said...

welcome back . N b carefull .. Abul barakaathul yoosuful barbary is alive with us ;)

Anonymous said...

true, manippulhu, hahaha....

Anonymous said...

Ohh a rannamaari in our time!! yamato.!!. This is great!!!! I'm enjoying every bit of this blog u see..

Rannamaari said...

yea people. i do know dhivehi. i know dhivehi, english, tamil, hindhu and japanese. just don't try to make me speak those languages. everytime i try, i end up knotting my hollow tummy.
about the webcam, if ur thinking abt taking a look at me, look at rithik roshan and make him look like a furaytha :D
manippulhu & nass, noooo!!! u must be joking. coz i seriously saw abu bakaraa's ziraayai when i was zooming into male' through Google Earth 0.0
finally nish, thank you for now. but i might have to ask you out laters :D